After retiring from a long and successful K-8 language arts teaching career, I was ready for a new experience - apparently as it turned out one that was far removed from my skill set and destined to place me in the role of untrained and unprepared student! Pottery appeared on my horizon through the prompting of a friend to “give it a try” to which I agreed. All I really knew of pottery was the work I had admired from years of craft-show attendance including my thoughts of “How do they do that?” and shall I dare admit - a popular 1990 movie!
Being a novice student in 2013 was a strange and humbling experience after years of being an in-charge educator. Luckily a small friendly well-appointed studio, The Cracked Pot, was near me. There I met very talented, knowledgeable, patient owners as well as established master-potter members all willing to share their expertise. They generously facilitated my pottery education, training and growth. Little by little I gained confidence and skill. I became comfortable with the process and my products. I began to feel a success on which I continue to build to this day.
I certainly realize I am still a beginning potter/hobbyist with a great deal to learn, but I have developed a personal style I like and of which I am proud. Therefore I am happy to continue working in this satisfying art medium.
pottery by Suzanne… [email protected]